Independent group tour


Groups can tour the museum on their own, in complete independence, or take advantage of the discovery tours and themed tours offered by the Museum. 

Self-guided tours and speaking

The following persons are permitted to speak, after prior agreement of the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum, on presentation of a supporting document at the Museum reception: 

  • Curators holding a professional card, issued or recognized by the Ministère de la Culture.
  • Persons qualified to conduct escorted tours in museums and historical monuments (Decree 2005-791 of 12 July 2005), holders of the guide card or prefectoral or ministerial authorization for foreign conference attendees, currently valid. 
  • Approved organizers of the Centre des Monuments Nationaux
  • Teachers with their class
  • Persons individually permitted by the TLM curator.

Information and booking

Booking compulsory for groups of 15 and above persons, at least 15 days before your visit: 

  • By telephone on 05 63 49 58 97, Monday to Friday 8.30 am - 11.45 am and 2 pm - 4.45 pm

The permission to speak to a group is terminated at the end of the booking slot.